4 Green Junglefowl Juv/Chicks & 1 AD Male w/Leg Issue


Out of stock



Ok, after looking at what I am keeping, size, and going to someone else. Right now I have 4 Green Junglefowl (Gallus varius) at $300 each, see the video for size. I also have the adult male with the leg issue at $200. The adult male is a different bloodline than the juvs I have atm.

Note the head of the largest chick. I put it with a larger juv (pending for someone else, but avail if he doesn’t take it) for an hour a week ago, and and came back to that after it seemed all was well. Now damage beyond picked feathers that will regrow quickly.

I will have more in the near future of size (or larger). None of these have the splay legs, the one with them I’m holding back for now until I feel good it’s fully resolved.

It’s under your 6 bird minimum, but I’m also happy to meet part way on most days/times, with a few restrictions.

If you want the 4 juvs and adult male –

4 Juvs $300 each, $1200

1 Adult Male with leg issue, $200

Total $1400