Berries, Anthurium cubanese x A. hookeri “Variegated” OR A. vittarifolium “Variegated”



Out of stock

SKU: Anthuriumcubanesehybridberry Category:


I have 25 berries of the following – Anthurium cubanese x A. hookeri “Variegated” OR A. vittarifolium “Variegated”. Each berry has about two seeds, but maybe one, maybe three. I made the cross using pollen from both. First with A. vittarifolium “Variegated”, followed up by adding some Camo colored A. hookeri “Variegated” pollen along with the A. vittarifolium pollen. So who knows what comes out. This plant normally does not self-pollinate for me.

No guarantees on what comes out of these.

Pickup available in St Augustine, FL. I also ship across the USA via USPS. Can message me with any questions.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in