Darth Vader Pipevine (Aristolochia salvadorensis)


Only 1 left in stock

SKU: Aristolochiasalvadorensis Category:


VERY RARE. A well rooted air-layered cutting, this is an amazing species of Pipevine that grows as a bush, not a vine. The blooms are found at the base of the trunk.

Photo of the blooms is not our own, but taken from google as an example of the bloom. This species has survived down to freezing in zone 9a-9b, but was sheltered. I have propagated this plant from air-layering, root cuttings, and cuttings. Air-layering is the most successful.

I have yet to bloom my parent specimen.

Additional information

Weight 32 oz
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 9 in