Giant Tropical Lotus, Fresh Seeds


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I was super excited to see these seeds sprout from this Giant Tropical Lotus, a species/hybrid (?) that grows 7-8’ tall and is a quasi-evergreen. I’ve only been able to get runners from it before, and seeds seem to be way easier to handle.

I’m 6’4” for comparison, I have not measured the leaf width, but I suspect it’s at least 24”.

I grow this in a large pot, with no holes, on the patio in full sun.

I planted my first seeds a couple weeks ago, and most germinated quickly in our hot temps, while others appear slower. I have to ship germinated ones ASAP as they grow so quickly, non-germinated, can wait a short bit if not you’re available to receive right away.

The place I got mine from, they no longer offer any (Bergen Water Gardens). Theirs died (last I heard). I got a runner from them for $120 (?) after a 2 year wait. They did offer some runners in 2022 for $69.00. Runners are harder to ship.

Giant that takes OFF quickly. Can take a tiny plant and have a giant patch in one season. They just need full sun, and you can grow in a pond or a large decorative pot (I got some 22” or 28” ones from Walmart for about $20-30).

The blooms are huge as well. Largest I have had are about 11” across, some as small as 6” across. They last 3 days.

For information from my original source, click here. I have not seen others offer them.

Additional information

Weight 3 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in