Platycerium willinckii “Mayii” RARE Pups


Out of stock

SKU: PlatyceriumwillinckiiMayii Category:


I got these as Platycerium willinckii “Mayii” from my friend, Mark Issenberg. He got the plant a couple decades earlier from the late Jerry Horne. This is the first time I have been able to cut pups off this one. There is another plant out there being offered as “Mayii” that doesn’t have the tips curl, so somewhere there has been a mixup on what is what. Either way, it’s one of my most beautiful P. willinckii varieties.

Photo of the pups are representative of the plant you will be sent. It may vary slightly in size, number of leaves, etc.

Larger specimens in photos are examples of mature specimens and are for informative purposes only (aka, not for sale).

Additional information

Weight 17 oz
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 6 in
